Getting started

This is the blog I'll use to keep anyone interested in my bike ride across the United States. I selected a route called the Northern Tier. This is a route put together by Adventure Cycling, the group that arose from the Bike Centennial trip across the US to celebrate the Bicentennial. They have several routes, each of which is crowdsourced over decades of suggestions of people who have ridden the route. Gradually a route becomes the consensus best way to go and the Adventure Cycling Association publishes maps that show it.

The Northern Tier starts in Anacortes, Washington, passes through Mazama where our cabin is, and ends in Bar Harbor, Maine. So it is the logical choice for me. It is also the route that Jenny, our oldest daughter, took in 2016.

I'll start June 10 2024, a few days after my teaching commitments for the last spring quarter I will teach are completed. It will take me between 2 and 3 months to finish. How long depends on the number of miles I bike each day, how many rest days I take, and any side trips I fit in.

Can I do it? We'll see. Many people older than I am (69 as I write this, turning 70 during the trip) have done this. It will take me longer, but I'm not in a hurry.
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